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Ren Clean Skincare ‐ Clean Your Face, Clean the World

Writer and expert6 years ago
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Fresh, clean skin is a mountain peak we all want to reach but is it possible to reach that goal without polluting our way to the top? With Ren Clean Skincare we can be as radiant as the sun without sacrificing the planet.

Two‐thirds of the debris that’s cataloged as washing up on beaches comes from single‐use, disposable plastic packaging. Furthermore, millions of marine animals’ lives are threatened because of the plastic we, as humans, use on land. If there was a simple change you could make to save the lives of potentially millions of animals, would you do it?

While we all can’t imagine a life completely free of plastic, with Ren Clean Skincare, a simple switch can make a huge impact on the world we live in. Their goal is to be producing zero waste by 2021 and GLOSSYBOX is fully on board. How are they going to go waste‐free? By using 100% recyclable packaging, creating refillable solutions, and only using bottles made out of reclaimed ocean plastic.

Think about all of the plastic in your makeup bag – face masks, lotions, mists – almost everything we use in our daily routine is made of plastic. Maybe you think that the amount of plastic in your makeup bag is too small to make a difference in the world? I mean, what’s getting rid of a few plastic tubes going to do anyways?

Well, you may be one person but there are 381 billion women in the world, all with their own supplies of makeup in plastic containers. Multiply your makeup bag by 381 billion and that’s a huge difference. All because you, as an individual, made a simple switch to a makeup brand that’s environmentally conscious. When something that easy can have such a big impact it’s almost hard to come up with a valid reason to not be doing your part.

Ren Clean Skincare isn’t just leaving it up to its consumers to do the dirty work of cleaning up our beaches and oceans, either. They’ve partnered with Surfrider and are working to restore beaches and oceans to their natural and beautiful state right now.

For so many, “clean” is a simple five letter adjective. For Ren Clean Skincare, it’s a completely new lifestyle.

It’s not just about keeping the planet clean, it’s about keeping your skin clean as well. Did you know that some products that claim to be helping your skin contain ingredients that are actually hurting it? So, not only is the planet feeling the burn of our skincare routines, but our own skin is feeling the harmful effects and we may not even know it.

Ren Clean Skincare only uses bio‐actives that benefit skin health, which means no synthetic fragrance or colors, silicones, sulfates, parabens, or animal ingredients. In laments terms, it’s effective, it’s pleasurable to use, and it’s free of toxins, chemicals and potential irritants.

Sure, those ingredients can prolong the shelf life of a product, but is the risk of breast cancer, which can be caused by parabens, and kidney and respiratory damage, which is linked to sulfates, really worth it?

Clean, that five‐letter adjective, takes on an entirely different definition when you’re using Ren skincare products.

So, what does this all mean? Summarized, it means Ren Clean Skincare’s products have ditched harmful chemicals, making them better for both you and the environment. The changes in packaging won’t have any effect on how you use the product but can bring huge impacts for the planet and Ren’s already working to clean up beaches and oceans.

With all of these reasons to use Ren Clean Skincare products, is there any decent reason left to not to?

Jenni, a University of Arizona graduate, had her first fiction novel, Sentenced to Life, published in 2015 and is currently working on her second novel. When she’s not writing, you can find her exploring New York City, doing a DIY project in her apartment, or re-watching her favorite rom-com, When Harry Met Sally.

Writer and expert
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